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Got Some Ammunition.

Got Some Ammunition..

Anything But Christianity.

A major slap in the face to United States military forces who are being stripped of the very rights they are supposed to be fighting to protect overseas, the Pentagon met with well known anti-Christian militant Mikey Weinstein of the laughable “Military Religious Freedom Foundation” in order to set new rules that punish Christians with imprisonment and dishonorable discharge for daring to share the Gospel in any capacity. According to the new statement by the Pentagon, as reported on by Breitbart in a piece that has now close to 1 million Facebook shares alone, Christians who dare to share the Bible or the teachings of Jesus may face court martial.

As released early this morning, the Pentagon stated:

Read more:



Employee or Employer?

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Lincoln at Gettysburg.

So whatever happened to;”a government of the people, for the people and by the people?” (shall not perish from the earth)

The Federal Government is the employee of the American People. They are supposed to be working for US (U.S.) We don’t work for them.
Somehow it all got twisted up, it’s time to do some un-twisting! We can start by refusing to give up any more of our rights!


New Gun Laws?

Listen we have good gun laws, we just don’t enforce them. Make the penalties stiffer. Make the punishment fit the crime. People who break the law using a gun or other weapon appear in court all the time but don’t even do time, or very little because of overcrowding of prisons. If a law abiding citizen shoots someone who breaks into their home and does violence, that idiot criminal can sue the homeowner, AND WIN! The laws protect the criminal not the law abiding citizen.

No we don’t need NEW Gun Laws. We don’t need more gun laws. We need to enforce the laws we have.


Come Visit Shooting Supplies Plus

Come see us.

Who Cares What the American People Want?

This week, Vice-President Joe Biden, and House Minority Leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), showed us–once again–how thorough their contempt is for our Constitutionally guaranteed Second Amendment rights.
Biden; “Let me say this as clearly as I can: this is just the beginning.”
As the article notes, recent surveys show increasing opposition to stricter gun control measures. But this fact matters not to Biden; nor to Pelosi, who also voiced a determination to continue pushing for gun bans, no matter what the American public says.
The anti-gunners see momentum from tragedy as an asset. For them, the real goal is restricting firearm ownership in America–as much as they can, however they can, and whenever they can.

Just Say No To The Liberal Media

“Media wages war on logic [more gun laws, please!]…”

Sensationalism always gets better ratings than rationale thinking. Enough already!

“Thou Shall Not Murder” is likely the most common law in history, and has held the steepest penalties. But murderers have never obeyed the law. Really? Why?
Simply this: Laws don’t stop criminals intent on committing crimes. They’re committed to their criminal ways, always have been, always will be. So, disarm the rest of us and make it easier for them?
Don’t let the lying sensationalism of the liberal media intimidate you. Stand for your rights and don’t apologize about your belief that innocent lives are best protected by responsibly armed Americans like you and me.
Ah! The liberal media, ya gotta love ’em!
Oh! wait a minute no you don’t!!



I shall Not be moved! 

Is North Korea a Bigger Threat Than Our Own Government?

Further news regarding North Korea posturing for war.
North Korea has threatened the United States with a preemptive nuclear strike and announced it is nullifying the 1953 armistice, the United Nations-brokered agreement that suspended hostilities on the peninsula.
For the first time in decades, U.S. intelligence and defense analysts believe the threat of an outbreak of significant hostilities on the Korean peninsula is a very real possibility.
Tensions and the risk of conflict have escalated precipitously on the Korean peninsula over the last year.
How will our gun grabbing politicians respond when all hell breaks lose?


Who Is Protecting Our House?

It’s been all over the news in the past few days that N. Korea has threatened to send a missile strike aimed at our house, the USA. Should this happen the President who is the head of our house, the USA, has the right as well as the responsibility to act to protect our house, our home, “U.S.” (will he?)

However the head of “our house”, the President is actively trying to strip you and me, the heads of our houses of the right to protect our own homes and loved-ones.